Underfloor Heating

How does a floor heating system work?

The installation of an underfloor heating system is relatively simple to install due to several aspects:

  1. Prefabricated elements are used
  2. The pipes are laid on the prefabricated elements
  3. The pipes are installed in the form of a coil, or spiral.
  4. Hot water from a heat generation system circulates through the pipes.

Radient floor is an efficient system

It uses a very low emulsión temperature, between 30º and 45º in comparison with traditional radiator systems 70º 75º

With this method of heating we save money, and it also respects the environment due to its low consumption.

It is important to know that the traditional radiators heat, but besides consuming more, it costs more to release the hot air homogeneously, with the radiant floor the thermal emission surface is much bigger (it is the whole floor of the house), therefore it is not required so high temperatures to distribute the same thermal power.

The best option for underfloor heating

There are several options for the operation of the floor heating:

Boilers Depending on the material you use (gas, diesel, biomass etc…) will have a different performance.
Heat Pumps In our company Ptoral we believe this is the best option.
Solar energy If we use this option, our radiant floor becomes a support together with another heating method. With this method we reduce the consumption and the price of our most expensive heating method.

With the radiant floor it is important to anticipate the cold, the radiant floor takes longer at the beginning to emit the heat, for this reason it is more economic and compansates more to leave this system on all day and night at temperatures around (20º)

With these instructions we will notice the heat in the house distributed in a homogeneous way and with a bill that is around (100E/month)

100Euros with a warm house night and day is a cheap price to pay.


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